This year’s Ruds boys have received their ties from Mr Delaney to go with their new duties at the top of the school.

St John's Beaumont School Captains 2021-22In their final year at St John’s, our Rudiments boys (Year 8) are offered the opportunity to take responsibility for different areas of school life. To mark each of these distinct areas, boys are awarded special ties. The Head and Deputy head boy positions have been in place since the foundation of the school with other positions, including Primus Dormitori and animal captains being more modern additions. 

Boys are given responsibility through the chairing of important committees which include; Outreach, Chaplaincy and Ecology alongside captaincies in music, art and sport with the most recent appointment of Head Sacristan being established in 2021.

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Our congratulations go to all the boys and we wish them good luck for their important roles. We look forward to seeing the results of their efforts throughout the year.