St John’s Beaumont Old Boy becomes Head of House at Wellington College

We are absolutely delighted to hear that St John’s Old Boy John Hatton has been appointed as ‘Head of House of The Beresford’ at Wellington College this year. John Hatton is a true credit to St John’s and we are extremely proud of him.

John has given his permission to share this wonderful email with an update of his life after SJB:

Dear Mr Delaney,

Thank you for your email, I hope this finds you and the SJB community well. It was nice to hear that Mr Dahl had mentioned my position at Wellington to you. Indeed, it doesn’t seem too long ago that I was sitting in your office talking about my application to Wellington (with Mr Dahl, of course, then being head of admissions). I thought that I should write to update you on how I, and some of the other 2016 leavers, have fared since leaving.

Wellington has been a brilliant experience and a perfect balance of academic and extra-curricular pursuit. Starting my final year, there have been a number of landmarks and firsts. I have just turned 18, passed my driving test and have been fortunate enough to be appointed Head of House and head of the Royal Marines CCF section at college.

Naturally, it is still early days in the academic year, however, my Oxford application process is already underway (Somerville College) and in the case, I should not be accepted Durham, St Andrews, Edinburgh and Warwick are all on the cards too. My A levels are History, Politics and German with the former hopefully becoming my university subject.

Meanwhile, I have also represented Wellington at a relatively high level on the Rugby pitch in recent years, although with the current restrictions team sport remains informal and unlikely to become inter-school very soon. CCF is another passion of mine and I was lucky enough to travel to Lympstone last year to take part in the inter-school Pringle Trophy, a two-day Royal Marines competition comprising of events like endurance races and stalks.

I hope this has encapsulated at least something of what I have been up to. I remain in good contact with some like Zayn Salah, Lucas Watson, Ben Turk who joined Eton in the second year, but is still based in LA, and Oliver Garson whose family have moved to Scotland, but remains boarding at Stowe.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to return at some stage, whenever that might be, but in the meantime, I would like to wish you, your family, and the entire SJB community the very best, and especially during the current situation.

Best regards,

John Hatton

Congratulations to John from us all at St John’s BeaumontSchool.