It was such a pleasure to invite our grandparents to St John’s for our summer tea party. This has become very much a firm favourite in the school calendar, both from our grandparents perspectives but also particularly the boys as well.
Our Food Committee organised the entertainment and our wonderful catering department baked a wide range of home-made cakes and scones to accompany a delicious range of finger sandwiches.
The theme this year was Formula One: the reason… being that after tea had finished, a great many of our visitors went to watch our Year 4 boys race the go-karts they had made this year as part of the DT curriculum. This being the case, each table competed in a Formula One quiz and after this played a very civilised game of boules on the front garden.
We would like to thank the many grandparents who give their time so generously to join us: it was such a pleasure to welcome you and we look forward to seeing you again in Christmas when we do it all over again!