Article by James T (Year 8)

Last week on Friday Mr Gauthier talked to us about sustainability and international development, it was a really interesting talk. Our speaker had travelled all across the world, starting with the UN and many other countries and it was fascinating to hear his stories. We also learnt a great deal about sustainable energy and the three stages of a country’s development as follows:

  1. Economies start of as a factory driven country
  2. They become efficiency driven
  3. They finally become innovation driven 

The above are the three stages of development of a country showing how sustainable that country is. 

Many different institutions were involved in this sustainability model, such as; the UN, Red Cross /Red Crescent, MSF, WaterAid, Caritas/CRS, Oxfam, Save the Children, World Vision, WWF, Care, Aga Khan, Ashoka, Human Rights Watch, Jane Goodall & Diane Fossey Foundations and GeekCorps. 

It was such an interesting talk and I hope that you have learnt a little about sustainability and the development of countries.