St John’s Beaumont School is hosting its first-ever Senior Schools’ Fair on 11th February.

Searching and finding your next school is a daunting process and feels like a potentially life-changing decision. Here at St John’s Beaumont School, we want to do everything we can to support our boys and their parents through this process.

St John's Beaumont Senior Schools GuideWe have therefore introduced a Senior Schools’ Programme with a series of information events. The first of which took place on Monday 20th January when Giles Delaney hosted Headmaster’s Question Time on Senior Schools. 

The presentation can be found here and the Senior Schools Guide is available for download here

The next event in the series will be a talk by Mr John Browne, Headmaster of Stonyhurst, on the ‘Transition to and Life in a Secondary School‘, followed by a drinks reception with a selection of Stonyhurst Academics. Mr Browne and his team will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about senior boarding schools.

The registration for our Stonyhurst Talk & Drinks Reception is now closed.

We are delighted to welcome representatives of 28 of the finest schools in our area and further afield, for our first ever SJB Senior School’s Fair for parents, which will take place in the Sports Hall.  After a short introduction by Mr Delaney, parents will have the opportunity to speak to each of the schools’ representatives (Headmasters, Deputy Headmasters and Registrars) to ask their questions about the school, the application process involved and potentially to book appointments for school visits.

The registration for our Senior Schools Fair on 11th February at 4.45pm is now closed.

Before the event, we recommend parents to review the list of attending schools (here) and make a pre-selection of the ones you would like to interact with on the evening.

St John's Beaumont School Old Windsor, Berkshire/Surrey, hosting Senior Schools Fair on 11th February 2020