Dear Parents, Guardians and SJ Old Boys,
It is a great pleasure to introduce this new SJB Magazine: a record of a most extraordinary and unexpected 12 months; a year of adaptability and creativity that has seen the school community and particularly our boys respond with energy, open-mindedness and generosity to turn a seemingly overwhelming challenge into a period of growth and success which they will undoubtedly take forward into the next chapter of their lives.
This magazine chronicles these contributions beautifully and I am enormously grateful to all members of the school community for enabling this. To the teachers who have modelled the open-mindedness and creativity that has accompanied the boys throughout; to our parents whose trust and support has enabled the space and time for us to evolve in this way and to our boys for the belief and willingness to, at times, walk with us and, at times, even lead the way.
Please click on this link to view the magazine online in PDF format. The magazine is currently in print and hard copies will be handed out to the boys the following week.
Meanwhile, enjoy the read and make sure to share it with your son(s)!
Giles Delaney