We are delighted to introduce a new webinar programme for parents; SJB Parent Reach, commencing after October half-term 2020.

The aim of these monthly talks is to support you and your son through his preparatory school years at St John’s by sharing our knowledge and that of our educational partners beyond.

The talks are ranging from topics like:

We hope you will find some of these topics of interest and look forward to welcoming you on the screen until we are able to host you again in person at the School. 

SJB Parent Reach programme 2020-21

A ‘life in the day’ of a St John’s boy

Wednesday, 11th November 2020 @ 7pm (25 mins)

What does your son’s day at SJB look like? 
Understand the pedagogical approach that drives the curriculum and spiritual life of the School and how this recognises the developmental needs of boys as they mature. 

Speaker: Giles Delaney (Headmaster) St John’s Beaumont School

Suitability: All year group parents

Watch the talk here

Understanding the Secondary School Curriculum

Wednesday, 2nd December 2020 @ 7pm (40 mins)

The menu of 16+ and 18+ examination syllabi has grown significantly over the past generation and pupils are now offered a wider range of possibilities in Years 11 and 13. This talk aims to provide parents with a valuable overview of the secondary school curriculum, including a discussion on the future of GCSEs.

James Dahl (Director of Admissions) Wellington College.
Matt Oakham (Deputy Head, Academic) Wellington College
Dr Michael Grey (Director of Studies) Harrow School 

Suitability: Middle & Upper School parents

Watch the talk here

The Internet – friend and foe

Thursday, 7th January 2021 @ 7pm (40 mins)

What does increased connectivity mean for your son? How can you keep him alert to the dangers and how can you stay in control of his online whereabouts? 

Speaker: Mr Karl Hopwood (Childnet International)

Suitability: All parents (primarily Middle & Upper School)

Watch the talk here


10th February 2021 @ 7pm (40mins)

Adolescence represents one of the most significant times in a young man’s life and understanding the factors which have the most significant influence on them is hugely important for a boy’s academic progress and, importantly, sense of well-being. We will also hear from some boys who have moved on from SJB and their experience of their years at the top of our school. 

Speakers: Three former SJB boys, currently in secondary school, and Mrs Anne Barker (Upper School Co-ordinator)

Suitability: All year group parents

Watch the talk here

Jesuit Education – Part 1: An Introduction

Wednesday, 17th March 2021 @ 7pm (25 mins) 

Established over 450 years ago and arguably one of the most global, innovative and long-lasting ‘companies’ in the world. What does it mean for you and your family to be part of this centuries-old tradition both now and in the future? 

Speaker: Fr Adrian Porter (Jesuit Institute London)

Suitability: All year group parents

Study Skills: How boys learn and

Can boys be organised?

Wednesday, 21st April 2021 @ 7pm (25mins)

Understanding how boys learn, remember and comprehend. This talk will introduce the science behind study skills, different learning styles and how to support your sons effectively while studying. 

The importance of organisation during studying. Tips & tricks to teach your son organisational skills. 

Speakers: Giles Delaney (Headmaster) & Mrs Spooner-Warren (Learning Support)

Suitability: Middle & Upper School parents

Jesuit Education – Part 2: The bigger picture

Wednesday, 16th June 2021 @ 7pm (25 mins)

The wider and deeper reach of Jesuit education and the worldwide networks available to support pupils and families at Jesuit school. 

Speaker: Fr Adrian Porter (Jesuit Institute London)

Suitability: All parents

Watch the talk here