Head’s blog
Dear Parents and Carers,
In my assembly to the boys this week, I highlighted the pledge that our late Queen made on her 21st birthday to serve her people for her whole life, whether it be long or short. You may well have seen that clip replayed in the last few days. Later in that speech, she declared she would not be able fulfil this pledge without our help. (Picture of HM The Queen visiting Beaumont College and our school in 1961.)
I highlighted just a few of the charities of which she was the patron, with a particular focus on those related to children, and asked the boys to speak to you at home this week about the charities you support, and to think about those they would like to help. From our Jesuit Pupil Profile, we drew the virtues compassionate in thinking of others, hopeful that we can make a difference; loving our neighbour; and generous in the gifts of our time as well as money. In Queen Elizabeth’s case we could also have taken active given her support of over 600 different charities over the years.
The talk was timely, as in the same week I have spoken with FSJB committee members about their plans for fundraising this year, and yesterday the Rudiments boys launched their charity committee. Involvement in these school committees represents further opportunities to lead and work as a team so I hope we have no problem in filling all the roles across the year groups.
I am sure all this talk will prompt discussion at home and I look forward to you and your families joining with the rest of our community when we embark together on this year’s charity programme.
Dr Deneal Smith
Drop-offs and pick-ups are always a little fraught at any school. Safety is our number one concern, but we recognise that frustrations can build if you are stuck in a long queue. The barrier goes up at 7.55am and we want to get everyone through by 8.10am in time for registration at 8.15am. May we make a few requests on everyone’s behalf:
- The speed limit on site is 10mph. Please keep speeds in single digits when boys are moving around cars.
- At drop off, pull round as far as you can: we can have around ten cars disembarking simultaneously in each set if we are efficient.
- Try to get the boys out of the car (or in) as quickly as possible.
- If you need to stop to speak to a teacher, please do not park in the drop-off area – we have seen this causing unnecessary delays. Instead we ask you to park by the tennis courts and come up the hill.
- Car pool with near neighbours if you can, so we have fewer cars onsite, fewer journeys for you and less pollution. Data Protection limits our ability to share your contact details, but the WhatsApp groups may facilitate this.
- Safety is always paramount – please only stop in safe, sensible places on the school site and indicate before carefully pulling out.
Bank holiday
A reminder that St John’s will be closed on Monday 19th September for the Bank Holiday observing the Queen’s funeral. Boarders can return from 5.30 pm for supper which will be at 6.30 pm.
The Pre-Prep enjoyed Roald Dahl Day this Tuesday. Please do use the long weekend to do some reading – parents, we can set the tone by visibly taking some time to sit and read for our own pleasure as well as reading with/to our children.