Dear Parents and Guardians,

Reflecting on this week, the boys have again given us all so many reasons to smile and one of those reasons was the picture at the top of this newsletter. Many congratulations to our Pre-Prep boys who have drawn such beautiful self-portraits.

St John's Beaumont School pre-prep children drawing their portraitsLooking at this photograph made me consider that portraits sometimes encourage us to focus on what we look like more than who we are inside. This latter attribute was brought into sharp focus earlier this week when I read a letter due to be sent to our own government, raising the plight of millions worldwide whose lives are at the mercy of the current pandemic.

As we all undoubtedly recognise, this is a defining moment in all our lives but none more so than those of your sons. How we educate the boys through this crisis, not simply through curriculum coverage but the opportunities that exist far beyond this, and the example we set as adults, will live with them for years to come. It is difficult to read of the devastation being caused to the poorer communities around the world and not be touched or inspired to do something. Jesuit school communities must be clear and assertive in demonstrating our values and I hope you will feel at liberty to support us in advocating for the poorer communities around. There is more about this later in the newsletter.  

The School will certainly be taking other opportunities in the coming weeks to look at this crisis from an economic, political and anthropological perspective so that our boys are well-positioned to grasp the significance of this moment and to begin to recognise how they may play their part in responding.

I wish you a very enjoyable weekend.

Giles Delaney