Sports Department Half-Term News

From football to badminton, it’s been an exciting term of sport so far!

Our football teams have played in no less than 80 fixtures across the age groups and have shown tremendous tenacity in all games. 186 goals scored and the race to the golden boot is very tight at the halfway stage! There’s been some tough competition but it has been brilliant to see the teamwork and development as we get more matches underway.

We made history as we took part in our first ever IAPS hockey tournament and gave a fine account of ourselves, we were resilient in defence and showcased great attacking awareness resulting in some fantastic team goals. Shout-out to Min in year 7 who played as the team’s goalkeeper and according to Mr Snell pulled off some outrageous saves. We are looking forward to more outings with the U11 and U13 teams.

Badminton made its return after a few years out with a fixture against Oratory, Mr E Walsh has been practising in the break times with a group of boys who came through the lunch time trials and the boys put on a wonderful display of badminton, displaying the technical intricacies associated with the sport but also the physical endurance and concentration required to maintain a high level of play.

In the swimming pool the number of boys representing at fixtures as increased greatly – it has been a very busy two weeks of swimming for the SJB Swimming Squad. Our year 3 & 4 teams have made great progress this term and came back from a Lambrook gala with a win and really shows the resilience and positive attitudes being put out. They have been involved in galas against.

We also attended the Charterhouse Prep School gala for the first time with a team of eight U9 and U10 swimmers, competing against 10 schools. The U10s team were very successful by winning their age group and Gus M managed to set a new record for 25m butterfly. Finally on Monday we raced against Bishopsgate where we had over 38 boys swimming and many of these boys achieved lots of personal bests.