We are extremely grateful to the team of FSJB volunteers that run our Nearly New Uniform Shop (NNUS), especially during these challenging times, providing a great service to our parent community and raising money for our charities.

The following FAQ should help our parents to understand the NNUS 2020-21 procedures:

What has changed with the NNUS for this next school term?

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the NNUS will be run via an email/Facebook messenger ordering system only. Unfortunately, no parents are allowed in the physical store at this time, until further notice.

How do I order NNUS uniform pieces?

Please visit the NNUS Facebook page: and send a Facebook message to the page. 

To order, please include the following:  

  • Parent name
  • Parent mobile
  • Son’s name
  • Son’s year group
  • Item description
  • Size required
  • Quantity required

How will I know if my order is complete?

The NNUS team will send you a Facebook messenger response, detailing the items available and when your order is complete.  Orders will usually be completed on a Friday afternoon.

How do I pick up my order?

Orders can be picked up on Mondays at any time, where your order will be left outside of the school Reception doors.  At this time, no parents are allowed inside the school Reception.  Orders not picked up by 5 p.m. will be kept inside overnight and placed outside the following day.  You can also call Reception to coordinate your order pick-up.

How do I pay for my order?

FSJB bank details will be included on the invoice which will be attached to your completed order.  Please pay as soon as possible.  If you have to return an item, please only pay for the items that you are keeping.

What if an item does not fit or I am not satisfied with the item?

Please pay your invoice, but not including the item that does not fit and you want to return.  Please return the item, CLEARLY labelled with the same above details such that the NNUS team can match it to your original order.  Please place the item in the bin marked NNUS in the SJB Sports Hall, either at pick-up or drop-off.  

What if I want to replace an item with a different size?

Please place a brand new order as detailed above and follow the same procedures.

What are the procedures if my son is a Boarder?

Please place the order the same way and state your son is a Boarder.  The NNUS team will then provide a copy of the invoice to the school office to add to your next school invoice.

Who runs the NNUS?

The NNUS is run by a team of volunteer parents who will do their best to provide you with the best quality uniform pieces. Please try to make your order and any returns process as simple as possible.  They will have to manually check payment received with any returned orders, hence it is critical that you clearly label returns.  If you haven’t paid, the NNUS team will have to follow up with a parent directly.  Any non-payment will result in the order being placed on your next school invoice.

Where do proceeds of the NNUS go?

All proceeds from NNUS sales will go to the FSJB charities. This is a worthwhile cause and your purchase and donations are immensely appreciated.

How do I donate uniform items to NNUS?

Please donate items in the bin marked NNUS in the SJB Sports Hall, either at drop off or at pick up, and please label them as a donation. All items will need to be quarantined for 72 hours prior to the volunteers reviewing the donations received.