On Friday, 16th October, St John’s Boys are enjoying a ‘Green & Blue’ Mufti Day.

Green symbolises our Season for Creation coming to an end and Pope Francis’ call for us all to CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME. 

Blue represents the theme of WATER and how lucky we have all been throughout this pandemic to be able to stay clean and wash our hands.

During our Mufti Day, we are raising money for CAFOD and Jesuit Missions. Both charities are supporting children and their families in Third World countries that are not as fortunate as we are.

Many of them do not have the facilities to make sure they can stay safe from the virus. While we have access to doctors and nurses, soap and water for handwashing, and shops that sell things that help to protect us from the virus that is not always possible in some places around the world.

In order for the boys to realise what they are raising money for, some classes spent time outside creating natural sculptures out of things they collected eg. sticks, leaves, grass, stones etc linked with our mufti themes. 

Flickr album: Green & Blue Muft Day October 2020 | Height: 500px | Theme: Default