Upper School This Half-Term
As we reflect on the events of this term, it’s evident that our Upper School students have been actively engaged in a variety of enriching activities…it is not unusual to see a pupil in judo kit practicing drums at lunchtime or running from a football match to art club.
In academics, our Year 6 boys showcased their mathematical prowess by competing in the Maths Challenge, while others demonstrated their mathematical acumen by taking part in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge.
Earlier in the term, Year 8 students delved into the realm of law through the All Rise workshop, gaining insights into the legal system and even re-enacting a courtroom scene. It was fantastic to see pupils taking on their roles with such enthusiasm.
Mrs. Katnik has led the Sacristans to the Deanery mass and embarked on a retreat with Year 6, providing them with opportunities for personal reflection and growth whilst also fostering a sense of spiritual engagement. This week, in the spirit of community, our Upper School boys enthusiastically participated in a Pancake Race on the playground, raising funds for our school charities. The Chaplaincy Team organised a fantastic Pancake race fundraiser for our Spring Term charity: Missio, raising a grand total of £155.79!
Alongside all this, all of our boys from Year 7 and 8 have served as exceptional guides during our Open Morning, impressing visiting parents with their knowledge and enthusiasm. It has been a pleasure to see how much the pupils in Year 7 have grown in confidence, some taking on the role after only being at St John’s for a matter of weeks!
We have ended this half-term with a strong emphasis on mental health, raising awareness during an assembly and also tutor sessions. It was heartening to see our students actively participating and learning about strategies to promote mental well-being. Overall, it has been a half-term filled with learning, service, and community engagement, and we look forward to even more exciting endeavours in the upcoming months.