
A Team That Cares

Safeguarding the welfare of our pupils is everyone’s responsibility, all of the time. All staff at St John’s Beaumont have a duty to safeguard pupils and to provide a safe environment.

Every pupil deserves to be safe; we recognise that this is when they can make the most progress in their learning, confidently develop positive relationships with adults and their peers, and have high self-esteem.

Pastoral Care

St John’s outstanding pastoral care is at the heart of our approach to safeguarding. A network of monitoring and support is enabled by strong teacher-pupil relationships. Staff are proactive in their response to issues, give pupils a voice and work closely with the Safeguarding Team. Our aim is to educate pupils about their rights and responsibilities, address issues before they become a problem and offer early support where needed.

Our team of staff use a range of leading pastoral care tools to monitor and support pupils. An ‘all-eyes-on’ web-based concern reporting system (CPOMS) is used to check for patterns and bring together different pieces of the puzzle.

School systems are guarded by monitoring software to keep pupils safe online.

Hearing the pupils’ voices is facilitated by One Page Pupil Profiles, Pupil Parliament, pupil wellbeing surveys and the use of affective social tracking (STEER).

About Us | STEER Education

Highly Trained Safeguarding Team

Robust safeguarding procedures are implemented by our qualified Safeguarding Team, with excellent support from the school nurses, and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo).

All members of the school staff undertake regular safeguarding training and we avoid any complacency: we work from the assumption that safeguarding issues can arise for any pupil or adult.

In the recruitment of staff, the School follows safer recruitment guidance and undertakes thorough safeguarding checks: the same is true for volunteers and other adults with whom the children come into contact.

Who To Contact If You Have A Concern

Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr Jack Snell
Headteacher Mr Philip Barr
Head of Pre-Prep Mrs Pippa Powell Harper
Head of Upper School Miss Claire Murphy
Head of Boarding Mr Shaun Hutchinson-Lawson


If you think a child or young person may be in immediate danger, call 999

Otherwise , you can contact Surrey’s Children’s Single Point of Access (CSPA) on 0300 470 9100  or Out-of-hours call 01483 517898

Mental Health & Wellbeing

At St John’s we recognise that good mental health is just as important as good physical health.

We encourage pupils to talk openly about mental health through all aspects of the curriculum, especially through assemblies and PSHE.

Our Designated Mental Health Lead, Nurse Haadiya Mohammed, is available for pupils to speak to and signpost families to any relevant support.

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE)

PSHE is built around developing compassion and resilience. A detailed curriculum is meticulously planned to meet the needs of every age group.

Weekly lessons for all pupils include skills for good physical and mental health, as well as how to maintain healthy relationships and understand changes that come with growing up. Strategies to stay calm and focused are also included, particularly important during their exam years.

Our Magis curriculum means that elements of PSHE are taught throughout the school day, including pupil training via assemblies, dedicated tutor time and visiting expert speakers.

Useful links for parents:

Place2Be: Parenting Smart About Parenting Smart

Anna Freud | Anna Freud

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Support Network

Independent Listener

All pupils, in particular our boarders, are able to drop-in and speak to the Independent Listener weekly about what is on their mind.

Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)

ELSA trained staff offer pupils a programme of sessions to support their emotional literacy and awareness, self-esteem, active listening and communication skills, understanding and managing anger, social skills and friendship skills. Referrals for ELSA support are made by class teachers or the boarding team and an initial set of sessions runs a six-week period.

School Counsellor
We are very fortunate to have a school counsellor available for pupils. Younger pupils may be referred to the Safeguarding Team by their parent or teacher to see counsellor. Older pupils may request to speak to the counsellor. A weekly timetable is drawn up for these sessions.

Early Help & Local Offer

From time to time, the school may seek the support of local children’s services. There can be a range early help resources available from the child’s local authority that can be accessed to ensure their happy and healthy development.

Home :: Mindworks Surrey (

Helping families early – Surrey County Council (

Further information is available in the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, which is available in the Policies area of this website.