RE Curriculum Information and Important Dates – Michaelmas 2020

This term in Religious Education at St John’s Beaumont School Old Windsor, we will be studying;

  • The three themes of Domestic Church (Family),
  • Baptism and Confirmation (Belonging)
  • Advent and Christmas (Loving).

Each class will approach the themes through different topics. The children will also spend a week studying Judaism.

Important Catholic Dates – Michaelmas 2020

Collective Worship

Our whole school collective worship has been planned and led by Enrique, Arjan, Gabriel and Sidney in Upper Figures. The theme they chose was ‘Creation and St Francis’ linking it with Pope Francis’ call for all Christians to make September to October 4th a month of dedication to caring for our common home. Boys in Upper and Middle school were asked to write a prayer reflecting on this theme and have been given the mission to take action and do at least one thing a day to help our planet in some way. We are looking forward to hearing about our St. John’s stewards of the world and the positive impact they are making!

The boys ended off their collective worship with the first prayer of the Novena to St. Francis. Boys will be saying this in class every day for the next 9 days. 

October – Month of the Holy Rosary

Every month, we focus on the monthly devotions, October is the month of ‘The Holy Rosary’.
Boys will be saying the rosary in class-time and before school (if they wish). Please let your son bring to school his own rosary that he can pray with if he has one. I would also encourage families at home to talk about the power of prayer and the significance of saying the rosary as a family and as a St. John’s family. Guidance on how to pray the rosary can be found here

Family Fast Day

On Friday 9th October it is CAFOD family fast day. This year the theme is linked with hand washing and clean water, something that we are so grateful to have constant access to in the current climate.

The children will be raising money for CAFOD and Jesuit Missions.

To make it a celebration of how fortunate we are with this and how lucky we are to be able to wash our hands regularly, we are hoping raise as much money as possible to help those less fortunate than us by;

  • Having a green and blue mufti day on 16th October, to reflect on the theme of clean water and the season of creation.
  • We are hoping to be able to have our school CAFOD rep speak with the children via Zoom.
  • We would like each class to be able to create a focus area for our outdoor prayer spaces so that they can individually complete a mini-pilgrimage around the school outside areas (within the COVID-19 risk assessment). This would enable us to join together in worship to be thankful for our creation and the water we have.