We awoke about 7.15 a.m. and eagerly got our ski gear and had breakfast. Every day we had to be ready with our skiing stuff by 8.30a.m. ready to begin skiing on the mountain at 9.00 a.m. Woe betide anyone if they forgot their ski passes, although we don´t think anyone did, they were too important and had to be kept safely in our jackets.
Each day we met our ski instructors and then begin our skiing for the day. Time just flew when we were skiing and before you knew it, it was time to go for lunch. After lunch we then had the whole afternoon skiing around all different slopes until half past four. Skiing was such brilliant fun, with plenty of laughter and falls. Everyone has tales to tell about their fabulous run, spectacular falls and amazing jumps!!
Every evening back at the hotel there was an organised activity between 7.30pm and 9.00pm. One night we even went sledging. That was great fun and we all had such a great laugh together.
Awards evening was on the last day of sking. Winners of races received awards and we were able to say a final goodbye to our instructors.
Our last day dawned. We were all sad to go home. Leaving on the Friday at about 12.00 p.m. we had to face the long journey home which was just as tiring. However, time passed quickly and we had fun talking about the memories we had created and the new friendships forged over the last week.
Everyone was excited to get home and have a night in their own beds and see their families. We had the best time ever!!! We would like to thank the teachers who came with us as it wouldn´t have been possible without them. We are all excited for next trip.
On Friday the 9th December 2016 we left School on a Skiing trip to Isola 2000. Many boys on the trip had mixed emotions; they were excited and nervous at once.
We all met at Heathrow for our flight to Nice. In smaller groups, we had great fun exploring, everyone seemed to particularly enjoy the duty free shopping! Upon arrival in France we set off in the coach for the 2 hour drive through to Isola 2000. Everyone was a little drained, but, surprisingly seemed to cope extremely well and settled down to sleep and managed about an hour. By this time excitement levels were rising as Isola 2000 was nearing. We arrived with the picturesque snowy mountains in front of our eyes.
Finally, we arrived at the hotel and all had a huge sigh of relief as we were glad to get sight of our new home for the next week. We went to get our Skis and boots ready for the next day Skiing. After being shown to our rooms and unpacking we had dinner in the hotel at 6.30 p.m.
It was usual to have activities in the evening, but, on the first night we were all just too tired so we played ping pong matches in the games room and had an early night. We all slept really well, ready for our first day Skiing.