The School was honoured to receive as its guest Her Royal Highness Princess Basma bint Talal of Jordan on Friday 16th September. During her visit Her Royal Highness was welcomed by members of our Rudiments Year 8 who included amongst others the Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy. She was shown around the historic parts of the School including the School Chapel and dormitories as well as also visiting the Art Studio and Library. Following this Princess Basma gave an absolutely fascinating talk to the boys about Jordan, which included areas of religious and cultural interest, geography, both political and human and its work to develop effective and long lasting inter-faith dialogue.
Her Royal Highness also spoke about her work within the country and beyond through the United Nations to promote gender equality and human development.
It was clear from the boys’ responses and questions that they had enjoyed this talk tremendously and benefitted from listening to such a courageous and visionary speaker.